What to expect from your first treatment
At the initial consultation, we will take a thorough case history covering the current issues you are experiencing with your horse, the onset of the current issue, any previous history of the same problem and how it has progressed until that point, including any treatment the horse has received so far.
We will then examine your horse at rest, looking for symmetry of muscular development and whether there are any areas of muscular tension or pain. After passively assessing the mobility of the joints in the neck, spine and limbs, we will then observe your horse whilst moving in hand at the walk and trot. We will also possibly see them move on the lunge or under tack, depending on the nature of the problems you are experiencing. All our findings will be recorded and discussed with you, including our proposed treatment and management plan. A copy of our notes is provided for your records and one sent to your vet to ensure they are kept up to date with your horse’s progress.
Most horses show a significant improvement in flexibility and freedom of movement after the first treatment. Riders often report the horse is more relaxed, willing and responsive. A follow up treatment usually takes place around 7 to 10 days later. Often this is sufficient to restore more normal movement patterns, although some horses with more complex issues may require further treatments.
Treatment techniques vary depending on the specific horse and its individual needs. Soft tissue, stretching, mobilisation and manipulative techniques are used as appropriate to release muscle tension and improve joint mobility and health. Various forms of electrotherapy are also utilized as is appropriate for the horse in question.
Wherever possible, our aim is to prevent any problems from reoccurring. As such, we aim to identify and correct any factors that may be causing imbalance and dysfunction of the musculo-skeletal system. As part of our management programme, we will therefore advise on appropriate stretches and exercises – both from the ground and ridden – and whether the horse should be seen by other professionals, such as the dentist, saddle fitter, blacksmith etc.
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